

Since 10/01/14
IFP, Mines Paristech : Computer Vision PhD thesis

Fontainebleau, France
Research engineer, Ph.D. degree in Computer Vision (Mathematical Morphology)

09/01/08 - 06/30/11
INSA Lyon (IT)

Masters degree in engineering specialized in IT

09/01/06 - 06/30/08
INSA Rouen

Preparatory school - International Section

Online and MOOCs

05/04/13 - 06/18/13
University of Washington - coursera: Computational Neuroscience

Neurobiology, Neural encoding, decoding and modeling (grade: 97%)

02/16/13 - 03/12/13
The University Of Edinburgh - coursera: Artificial Intelligence Planning

Artificial Intelligence, A*, PDDL (grade: 98%)

02/10/13 - 03/17/13
Stanford - coursera: Algorithms Part 1

Algorithms : Design and Analysis (grade: 97%)

02/17/12 - 04/13/12
Berkeley - coursera : SaaS

Software engineering and Ruby on Rails (grade: 73%)

10/10/11 - 01/10/12
Stanford - coursera : Machine learning

Linear regression, Neural Networks, PCA (grade: 100%)


09/01/14 - 02/13/15
Intel RealSense App Challenge 2014 - Ambassador finalist

International challenge (1300 finalists, 300 in the ambassador track)

06/01/13 - 09/30/13
Intel Perceptual Computing Challenge 2013 - Pioneer and checkpoint winner

International challenge (750 finalists)

04/01/13 - 04/29/13
Nasa Tournament Lab - Robonaut Challenge: 2nd and 1st place

International TopCoder marathon challenge (1190 registered, 40 competitors)

01/21/13 - 02/06/13
Nasa Tournament Lab - Longeron Challenge: 17th place

International TopCoder marathon challenge (4056 registered, 459 competitors)

11/01/12 - 12/01/12
Github game off: 1st place

International game creation contest (1300 registered, 200 competitors)

03/26/12 - 04/14/12
Nasa Tournament Lab - USPTO Algorithm chalenge: 6th place

International TopCoder marathon challenge (150 registered, 28 competitors)

02/10/11 - 05/15/11
Infotel Mobile Application contest: 2nd price

National student contest (15 competitor teams)

01/15/10 - 05/15/10
Infotel Web Application contest: 1st price

National student contest (15 competitor teams)

02/01/08 - 06/15/08
INSA Rouen IT contest: 1st price

Preparatory school IT contest (20 competitors)


Since 10/01/14
IFP, Mines Paristech : Computer Vision PhD thesis

Fontainebleau, France
Research engineer, Ph.D. degree in Computer Vision (Mathematical Morphology)

12/02/10 - 12/31/13
Novius - R&D engineer: Reso-nova, Novius OS and FuelPHP trainer

Lyon, France
Design, debug, implementation, functionality improvements, public documentation, functional testing, code reviews, trainer.
HTML, PHP, FuelPHP, MySQL, javascript, jQuery

06/01/10 - 09/30/10
Safecoms - Developper: Peppercan CRM

Bangkok, Thailand
Customer relationship management system
Debugging, performance and functionality improvement, consultant
HTML, HAML, Ruby on rails, HMVC, mysql, javascript, jquery, CSS, git

06/15/09 - 08/03/09
Lumai prod - game developper

Bangkok, Thailand
Debugging, performance and functionality improvement
Unity, Wii, C#, javascript, UnityScript

Events, conferences and publications


05/01/14 - 02/15/15
Book : FuelPHP Application Development Blueprints

Technical book about FuelPHP, Packt Publishing, 284 pages


11/30/12 - 11/30/12
PHP Tour Nantes: FuelPHP - A framework, yes – Automagic, no!

Technical conference at the PHP Tour event in Nantes (in french)

07/10/12 - 07/10/12
RMLL: FuelPHP - A framework, yes – Automagic, no!

Technical conference at the Libre Software Meeting event in Geneva (in french)


11/23/12 - 11/25/12
Game Dev Party 3

03/23/12 - 03/25/12
Game Dev Party 2

06/24/11 - 06/26/11
Game Dev Party 1

Side projects


01/15/13 - 01/19/13

Novius OS book viewer

01/12/13 - 01/13/13

Novius OS timeline viewer and manager

01/10/13 - 01/10/13

Novius OS template

01/04/13 - 01/04/13

Watch jshaml files and compiles them into valid javascript functions

12/26/12 - 12/27/12

Ruby library and command line that converts haml to javascript

12/24/12 - 12/26/12

Ruby library which provides an API to transform haml to any language

12/15/11 - 12/16/11

Small address book based on FuelPHP

06/15/12 - 06/30/12

Open-source jQuery UI plugin that allows you to display a 3D earth (or any planet)

05/08/12 - 05/08/12

JQuery plugin that returns a hash from serialization of a form


03/05/09 - 10/15/09
Spaceshadows - online

11/15/08 - 02/10/09


11/13/15 - 11/15/15
PCA9540BD driver for arduino + breakout boards schematics

The PCA9540BD is a 2-channel I2C-bus multiplexer.
I wrote a driver for arduino in C and designed two breakout boards schematics using Eagle.

Major contributions

01/03/13 - 01/04/13

Guard extension (ruby) allowing to compiles templates to javascript
Added core functionalities and a new extension

10/20/12 - 10/28/12

Added core functionalities and testings